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How to get top surgery

By June 30, 2023Top surgery

For individuals seeking gender-affirming surgery, top surgery is a significant milestone in their transition journey. This transformative procedure involves the removal of breast tissue and chest contouring, helping individuals achieve a more masculine or gender-neutral appearance.

If you are considering top surgery, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the process, from preparation to recovery.

Your guide to top surgery

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps involved in obtaining top surgery, addressing key considerations, finding the right surgeon, navigating insurance coverage, preparing for surgery, and managing post-operative care.

1. Understanding Top Surgery

To begin, it is crucial to gain a clear understanding of what top surgery entails.

What is top surgery?

Top surgery is a type of gender affirmation surgery.

This procedure is typically performed on transgender men or non-binary individuals seeking to align their physical appearance with their gender identity.

Top surgery involves removing breast tissue and reshaping the chest to create a flatter and more masculine contour. There are different surgical techniques available, including double incision, periareolar, and keyhole, each with its own benefits and considerations.

Researching these techniques and discussing them with a qualified surgeon will help you make an informed decision about the approach that suits your needs best.

2. Choosing the Right Surgeon

Selecting a skilled and experienced surgeon is paramount to the success and safety of your top surgery. Look for a surgeon who specializes in transgender surgery and has a proven track record of successful outcomes. Research their qualifications, training, and patient reviews to ensure they have the expertise and sensitivity required for gender-affirming procedures.

Consultations with prospective surgeons are essential to discuss your goals, expectations, and any concerns you may have. This step allows you to assess their communication style, expertise, and overall compatibility.

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3. Insurance Coverage

Navigating insurance coverage for top surgery can be complex, but it is an important aspect to consider. Many insurance plans now recognize the medical necessity of gender-affirming procedures, including top surgery. Begin by reviewing your insurance policy to determine if it includes coverage for transgender-related surgeries.

Familiarize yourself with the specific requirements and documentation needed to qualify for coverage. It may be necessary to provide letters of support from mental health professionals, documentation of gender dysphoria diagnosis, or evidence of hormone therapy. Working closely with your surgeon’s office and insurance provider can help you navigate this process effectively.

4. Preparing for Surgery

Once you have chosen a surgeon and secured insurance coverage, it’s time to prepare for your top surgery. Your surgeon will provide you with detailed pre-operative instructions, which may include guidelines for medications, smoking cessation, and fasting before surgery.

It is crucial to follow these instructions closely to ensure the best possible outcome. Additionally, preparing your physical and emotional well-being is essential.

5. The Surgical Procedure

On the day of your top surgery, you will typically undergo a series of pre-operative preparations, including anesthesia administration and marking of the surgical site. The specific surgical technique will depend on your chosen approach and the recommendations of your surgeon. During the procedure, excess breast tissue is removed, and the chest is contoured to create the desired masculine appearance. The surgery can take several hours, after which you will be taken to a recovery area for monitoring.

6. Post-Operative Care and Recovery

The recovery period following top surgery is crucial for proper healing and optimal results. Your surgeon will provide detailed post-operative instructions, including wound care, pain management, and activity restrictions. It is important to follow these instructions diligently to minimise complications and promote a smooth recovery. You may experience discomfort, swelling, and bruising in the

initial weeks, but these symptoms gradually subside. It is advisable to have a support system in place to assist with daily activities during this time. Follow-up appointments with your surgeon will allow them to monitor your progress and address any concerns you may have.

7. Emotional Support and Aftercare

Undergoing top surgery can bring about a range of emotions, including relief, joy, and even temporary feelings of vulnerability. It is crucial to prioritize emotional well-being and seek support from friends, family, or mental health professionals who specialize in gender identity issues.

Support groups and online communities can also provide valuable guidance and a sense of belonging. Remember that the journey to self-acceptance is ongoing, and taking care of your mental health is as important as caring for your physical well-being.

Talk to a qualified mental health professional first

Engage in self-care activities, connect with support networks, and discuss any anxieties or concerns with your surgeon or mental health professionals. Being mentally and physically prepared will contribute to a smoother surgical experience.

What is chest surgery?

Chest surgery is the same of FTM surgery. It’s also called chest masculinization surgery. Essentially, chest surgery just refers to the procedure where the surgeon remove breast tissue.

How much is top surgery?

Top surgery is £3,200 with Europe Surgery. It can be up to £8,000 in the UK for these masculinising surgeries.

Get more details in our blog: How much is top surgery?

Ask us about top surgery

Top surgery is a significant step in the gender-affirming journey for transgender men and non-binary individuals. By understanding the procedure, choosing a skilled surgeon, navigating insurance coverage, preparing for surgery, and embracing post-operative care, you can embark on this transformative experience with confidence.

Remember to surround yourself with a supportive network, prioritize self-care, and lean on resources available to you. With careful planning, informed decision-making, and emotional support, top surgery can be a powerful step towards living authentically and embracing your true self.

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